How to Create Safe Spiritual Connections Online...
I have been live-streaming since 2018, and one of the things I have found along my journey is that it’s hard to find real connections online.
But.. It is not impossible.
I have experienced a wide variety of energies from all walks of life. The reason why I refer to people as energy is because this is true. A significant reason why we come into contact with specific individuals, whether online or even running to the market, has a lot to do with our state of mind and wellness.
We are projecting out into the world the energy that is within us. Emotions, Thoughts, and actions we take are the deciding factors in our level of balance. Where do you find yourself cutting yourself short?
Where do you need to find restoration in your approach?
No reaction is an excellent method to most of our madness. Being present with our thoughts while not letting them devastate our ability to experience the fullness and blessings can be a struggle.
Sometimes, we are victims of our circumstances, but to what degree?
When do you need to take responsibility for the part you play?
“I am the tourmentor.”
When will the circumstances be too overwhelming, and when is the exact moment of “AHA.”
Existential suffering or bliss is genuinely dependent on our ability to sift through our emotional trauma, wounds, and bags to realize we are allowed to heal.
We do not need permission to connect with others who are like-minded.
Set your intention and let your heart guide you to the truth.
Can you truly connect with individuals on a soul level without meeting them?
The answer lies solely in your ability to transcend the screen and know that regardless of time, space, and distance, the heart and soul will always recognize when something is familiar.
A soul family consists of individuals you connect with deeply and profoundly and relate to a common understanding and quest to connect and share. The goals of each individual may not be entirely the same, but the pursuit of trust, love, and knowledge is the common theme.
“We are all connected.”
This is true because you still need to establish healthy distance and boundaries, which come with communication and first impressions. Always have a clear bio or point of reference when expressing your views and communicating with others.
Do not be afraid to be honest.
Sometimes, social media can also be a predator’s place for luring and exploiting. This is why it’s essential in group dynamics to establish a safe communication place, like Zoom or Google Meet-ups. It’s critical to establish a group or place of meeting where you and your tribe can communicate and share. Set rules and guidelines to ensure boundaries will always be clear.
I most recently had to end an almost two-year streaming schedule with an online selling platform because of the amount of scamming, harassment, and unregulated goods. We mustn’t allow our wants to overwhelm our needs. It is easy to become addicted or attached to things when the platform of things feeds our wants or desires. With this New Moon coming up on April 8th and Solar eclipse on the same day, it’s essential to look at how this Aries season has brought things to a head. If we think about Tarot, we would refer to this energy as the Emperor card. Many powerplays are happening in the public and deeply in the world. Take time to realign, meditate, and adjust your goals to remain in the upright energy. Be a good leader, be open and honest. This can be a challenge with social media, something I have fallen prey to with my emotional insecurities. The bottom line is that we are; human, overreact, and we make mistakes. But we also have the power to learn. Heal, grow, and evolve into better people.
Love you!
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