Year of the wood dragon

Are we strong enough to speak for ourselves, think for ourselves, and make influential choices based on our critical thinking?

Sometimes, life can challenge us, and we must be prepared for anything, especially regarding our freedom, wellness, and overall mental health.

As a mother who homeschools, it’s been vital for me to create an environment where my son can thrive and be supported! Shout out to Mia Academy for making such a wonderful place to give my child space to learn, grow, and thrive.

I have recently started investing in building a beautiful Patreon Tribe. Helping people along their journey with trauma and spiritual growth has been so rewarding and also challenging. Our focus for the Year of the Dragon is remembering our core values even when temptation calls. This is about solid boundaries and structure to build a stable foundation.

Some ways to get clear on your goals:

  • Declutter and organize

  • Cleanse and purify spaces

  • Release letters

  • Vision boards

  • Healthy weekly regiments

Most importantly, this year of the dragon, we should consider that we need leadership, which requires resiliency, bravery, and honor. How can you better serve your communities and give back to yourself?

It’s a balancing act. You have to learn to create a “method to the madness.” As energy states, “like attracts like.” It is also important to remember that sometimes opposites attract, and we can not always see the forest through the trees. Whether it’s because we are distracted or caught in a karmic wheel. Some people will never see your potential, worth, or value. Now, knowing this, give yourself a moment to process. You are devoted to your children, partners, pets, family, etc. This is beautiful. However, sometimes, we lose our identity and voice because it gets drowned in a sea of voices and other wounded healers. The wood dragon's energy can be introverted, lacking enthusiasm, and even laziness. Depending upon your willingness to transcend illusion and fear will have a significant impact on your luck and overall happiness.

We all have a divine purpose, and the dragon challenges you to take deeper routes and establish a relationship with your ancestors and ancient guides such as the dragon. The wood dragon requires us to dive deep and release surface-level temptation. Your soul requires a union of self. Go beyond the explanations of basic needs and carve out a pathway of divine intervention and actual release of one’s greatest fear, “failure.”

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Your soul family awaits.

See you there.
