Transitions and changes

As we make our way into another season, there are changes to our weather and internal clocks.

Traditionally, Shadow work begins, and we can focus on celebrating our accomplishments and great labors of love. This year has produced abundance, love, and struggles. Being an Entrepreneur has its blessings and its stalemates. However, it still relieves being pressured to work a 9-5 job.

The first step in changing our life is awareness. We are being present in the moment and comparing our accomplishments and failures. It is important to remember that setbacks will never outweigh the potential for a strong comeback. Fear can create chaos within the mind, so journaling and vision boards can be advantageous in bringing your ideas, thoughts, and dreams into reality. By removing them from the rational mind and creating an actual physical list, we relinquish control and allow these ideas to flow. Thus opening a channel of energy to initiate the process of manifestation.

Inspired action and your conceptualization of inspiration through self-expression is powerful work.

Do not discredit yourself with internal antagonistic banter. Instead, switch your internal current to positive by reinforcing your daily practice through gentle reminders, accountability buddies, or an organizer app or calendar.

While consistency is vital, we can not ignore that we should have a supportive group of individuals: soul tribe, family, or just that loyal friend. Whatever makes sense to your path, lean into that notion of hope, and forgiveness, and break free from procrastination and grief.

Regardless of where and how you overcome or cope with trauma, self-worth, or confidence, you have a strong sense of purpose because you are still reading this blog post. You understand that the work required will challenge you to open your heart and mind. Sometimes, change is uncomfortable and unavoidable. Do not be afraid of storms, chaos, or uncertainty; instead, use this energy and transition it to a positive experience through awareness, mentorship, or support for others who have been through a similar experience. Love is the most incredible energy, and we are all capable of change and second chances.

Love you.

elise skibik

Holistic and spiritual entrepreneur.

Sacrifice and let go


Have we lost out humanity?