Sacrifice and let go

As we transition into shadow work season, we reflect and introspect ourselves and our surroundings. The fall brings feelings of completion and harvest and sometimes can have the opposite effect. Finding ways to harmonize is part of the struggle between allowing and letting go of control. The wounded ego wants to claim scarcity and limited mindsets. The healer needs silence and calm to identify solutions to make room for growth and acceptance. Common ground can be found by letting go and releasing unrealistic expectations. Take the time to value your downtime, hold space for continued movement, and pause. Our pride sometimes creates timelines of insecurities and disappointment. We are, furthermore, leading to burnout and mistrust. Instead of letting anxiety take the lead, refocus on internal navigation.

What needs to be cleared?

What is disorganized?

Where can unused energy be focused?

Start with the simple task of asking the critical questions. We often find ourselves hindered by our purpose because we lack discipline and accountability. Regain your sense of direction by being transparent with what it is you need from the universe, your tribe, loved ones, and also yourself.

Remember not to get discouraged by current events and trust that your higher self will always align you with your highest potential. Once we learn to discern between our shadow and healed selves, we can attune to the highest frequencies of peace, love, and inclusiveness. All three notions evade us at one point or another during our journey. Take time to smell the roses, get lost in a sleepy little town, bury your head in a good book, and never stop looking for magic.

elise skibik

Holistic and spiritual entrepreneur.

Delicate balance of divine and the matrix


Transitions and changes