Spring Equinox
March 20th brings the return of spring…
The spring brings a sense of peace, balance, and purpose into the long sleepy winter blues. As we are waking up from the long rest and focus on introspection and truth, we can then focus on things that bring us growth and expansion. We reach up towards the growing warmth, rejuvenation that Spring can bring. Some of the first flowers to make their way up through the frozen ground are the daffodils and crocuses. The colors are beautiful and can be used in connection with your energy. It's amazing how nature can take such inspiration in our life from the colors, smell, sights, and even sounds.
Take some time to keep focusing on things that bring you peace, joy and harmony. With the winter coming to a close, no matter how you celebrate the upcoming day, make sure you bring your uniqueness and spirit into the equation. Most of the time we focus on doing the mainstream or popular thing, but we do not take the time to focus on what’s unique to our healing and growth. We are coming off the heels of that Full moon in Virgo and lunar eclipse which could have resulted in some endings, realizations and most importantly some restructuring. There is no better time than now to set your intentions on healing, change and growth. Make sure the seeds of intention you plant are hardy and create the harvest you wish to sow when the Fall Equinox comes later on in the year.
What have you learned from the Winter introspection that can prepare you for growth and expansion during the Spring?
Where in your life do you feel yourself still struggling to accept change?
When was the last time you felt a deep connection to the earth?
Where are the places you can start going to be balanced?
How can you create more time for sacred practice?
Now is the time to get clear about your direction, healing and purpose. Stop allowing things to distract you or keep you stuck in patterns and behaviors that do not serve. If it’s not for you, then it would be good to disassociate and cut ties. The Spring Equinox is also a great time to connect with ancestors and loved ones who have passed by honoring them. Also have fun and explore different cultural practices. In addition to cleansing and cleaning your home, and also your energy, try to set healthier goals, and also consider making a vision board to help you become more aligned with your needs vs your wants.
Feeling ambitious, consider taking a trip or traveling
I found a really interesting article from Country Living Magazine that can inspire you to pack your bags and jet set!
If you are more of a spiritual person, I also came across an inspiration blog post that can help put some things into perspective, and these things can be done simply and easily. Incorporating practices and rituals can help us create more room for gratitude, love, and appreciation for holding space.
Wake up early
Mantra/Breath work
Look for signs and synchronicities
Be present in your life
Get clarity through recording your thoughts
Embrace growth with goals
Remember what we focus on is created with our thoughts, enhanced by our emotions and alchemized by our actions, so mind your mind, emotions and remember that quality is much more aligned than quantity. I hope that you take this time to connect deeper with not only the potential within you but the unseen opportunities that may arise when your fruits come in from the labor you put into loving yourself and the things you hold dear and near.
“ I am expanding and growing in all directions”