Gratitude is a Attitude

It’s no longer a hidden secret of the deeply rooted corruption plaguing our world.

Each day the headlines grow with more hate, abuse, and scandal. The truth of our world is there is dark and light. Evil and good. The true challenge is finding a way to bring balance and restore order. The true question is; are we past the point of redemption?

Sometimes it can feel like history is just bound to repeat itself especially when there are alot of people abusing their positions of power to keep things hidden or not transparent.

There are so many things going on in the world that can push us down these rabbit holes that eventually keep us focused on things that do not bring us peace in all actuality they add more stress. So it’s important to take things like social media in doses.

As I write this blog post my son is growing within my belly. This will be my second son and with all the uncertainty in the world, my heart is with the mothers, sensitives, and Empaths of the world. It’s easy to get swept up in the disillusion of it all. However, what we should remain focused on is the optimism of our blessings. I truly never thought I would get the opportunity to experience the magic of carrying a child again.

But, it’s hear and it’s real. Remember that what we continue to hold faith and hope for is always a possibility or not. The expectations and added stress can contribute to the blessings being pushed away. But we also need to keep a strong sense of reality with the fact we are not in control of certain things. That is why what is meant for us makes its way to us its important to hold gratitude.

Think about how far you have come along your pathway.

  • Yes, there have been struggles, setbacks inconveniences, and lessons beyond what we think we are capable of handling let alone processing and dealing with. The truth is friends we are human, we make mistakes and those failures, setbacks, and unplanned events can bring more than fear, scars, and unwanted memories. When we deal with our emotions, wounds, and outdated perceptions and truths we realize the way to gain some sense of self and clarity is to get back to basics. Establish a stronger foundation through radical acceptance, raw truths, and pure honesty.

Yes, it’s going to hurt, you are going to cry (maybe) but think about the results of your letting go.

Scary right?

Of course, growth is never easy and neither is change.

When we can start from a place of currency AKA “Gratitude” we can begin the process of re-introducing things and seeing how we feel with intention instead of reaction. We are naturally emotional. We developed in a sac of fluid. So yes like a fish. As we grow and mature some things happen to us whether by our choice or not and we have learned or been conditioned to act, feel, and interpret things, people, places, and yes even ourselves depending on your experiences there are old programs, beliefs, and responses that become automatic over time. So for example, if you grew up in an abandoned environment you are likely to seek love in similar situations, and struggle with trust or trust too easily. The real issue as to why we tolerate and do not recognize warning signs of unhealthy behaviors, people or environments is most like due to being desensitized or overstimulated. There are always polar and extremes. The key to determining which side you find yourself on is by being present and aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions and without judgment begin to identify the triggers. Once we know our triggers and the reaction to them we can create a path towards change.

Ask yourself what would life be If you looked for more gratitude.

Describe in detail your state, surroundings, and more to connect deeper with that vision.

I found some tips for practicing gratitude from :

  • Be Observant

  • Give thanks for one action a day

  • Gratitude Journal

These are all great tips and can be expanded on with the article linked below.

The way that I express gratitude to my Tribe is through a gratitude jar! I love putting daily notes, reminders, money, and other fun things like crystals into the jar. I keep the lid open to allow the flow of abundance! Looking to do something specific like increase your financial abundance try making a money bowl!

Try to think outside of the box like the article I found said and try different things maybe even trying some Meditation or Mantra practices to help align your mind and emotions to create action towards practicing gratitude. The important thing to remember is some things are outside of our control so if we can learn better how to align on the inside we will be better with how we respond to the outside influences.

Happy Gratitude practicing!

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elise skibik

Holistic and spiritual entrepreneur.

Spring Equinox


Bear spirit to Butterfly