Winter Solstice Transitioning from the horse to the lion spirit
The subtle changes are upon us now.
Publishing this on the winter solstice brings a sense of release and rebirth. We are relinquishing our wild ways to awaken our true grace, power, and strength with the return of longer days. But first, the shortest day and a significant pause for reflection, introspection, and celebrating the gentle walk we take between life and death.
We are working towards creating courage, bravery, and strength.
As the new year approaches, one thing is for sure. We have been placed into a system of changes and are forced to choose.
As the horse passes from the lion, we reap what we sow from our shadow self to balance and humbly move towards our true inner power.
Are we accomplishing our goals, or are we merely scraping by?
How much effort have you put forth?
Did you find yourself running on fumes?
Cast down your now or never, and be honest with yourself. We make mistakes and fall short, but its time to stop running for the true issues and embrace our darkness once and for all.
The lion medicine reminds us that no matter how stealthy we may think we are, there’s still a chance of missing an opportunity. Whether our pride ran away with our mind or our ego took advantage of the moment, you must regain control.
The horse allowed us to explore the limits and boundaries, and the lion teaches us to choose our path and territory wisely. Reel in your creative and ambitious nature to pursue things that are more aligned with your true nature. Sometimes, we feel pressured to be in room environments that can take us out of our element. But this can sometimes have the opposite effect on growth and expansion.
That is why it’s essential to be clear with your intentions and build trust. Ensure the people in your community support you, and you return the same.
“After the longest night, tomorrow we sing up the dawn. There is a rejoicing that the sun is not defeated even in the darkest time. As of tomorrow, the days begin to get longer as the light of day grows. While the gentle winter sun slowly opens its eyes, let us all bring more light and compassion into the world.”
Dacha Avelin