Embracing Spirituality “The Mass Awakening”

"Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, man cannot live without a spiritual life." – Buddha

The Most Beautiful Thing about Spirituality, from my personal and professional standpoint, is the quest for something more significant and the deep, profound notion that we are not alone and not just skin and bone. Interestingly, we have started our quest for higher truth, understanding, and connection. When I say individual, it is because we may all be searching for a more profound sense of purpose or understanding of why and who we are. However, each experience is deep and unique to the individual.

One aspect of the Awakening is the Dark Knight of the Soul, called shadow work. This process helps us become humble in our awareness and consciousness and opens us to the world of spirituality. Most who begin the quest for something greater have one of the following triggers or divine guidance:

  • An urge to dive deeper into something greater than oneself

  • Near-death experience

  • Religious intervention/signs and synchronicities

As mentioned, each person’s experience is unique when it comes to awakening their higher self and connecting with collective consciousness. The universe is always listening, and one part of my journey was exploring subjects that included the Law of Attraction, Divination, and crystals.

What sparked my journey?

Catch the Full video here.

In short, I was battling postpartum depression, had just started my business, and struggled to find my voice purpose. When I hit my bottom with depression, It happened with a divine intervention/sign from the universe. Picture this; Driving down a backwoods road with no cell service, trying to put your son to sleep, and as you turn the corner, a Barred owl flies into your car's windshield. I know you're probably in shock, thinking, “Oh my goodness is the owl ok.?” The truth is, I was convinced I had just killed an Owl. The town garage was across the road, the only sign of life in over half a mile. But it was late, about eight-thirty in the evening. I safely pulled over into the parking lot and ensured my son was sleeping and safe to get out and look for the owl. He was in the middle of the road, visibly hurt. Instincts kicked in and ensured no one was coming (of course, they weren’t. We were 4 miles from the main highway. So I got a hoodie and carefully wrapped him up to keep him from further injuring himself. I walked back to my vehicle and began to drive back to town. Long story short, that drive was the longest five minutes of my life! The owl stared into my eyes

calmly, and I felt this shift, change, and a deep feeling of protection fall over me. But how is this possible when I ensure the owl didn’t become road kill? It’s in these moments that we should pay attention. Boy did I. After I made it back to town and went to my husband’s work, we put the owl down to see the extent of his injuries, and just as we set him down to call the birds of prey officer in our area, the owl stretched out his wings and flew off into the trees. But not before giving one last goodbye.

At the time, I didn’t know how influential the Owl would be as an animal guide and totem to help me during my awakening. As I began to dive deeper into my spirituality, I discovered more about my Claircognizant gifts and uncanny intuition. I hope those reading this blog post find that moment, thought, and conversation that creates and opens the pathway to more profound self-discovery and spirituality wellness. We each have experienced a lot from Covid, and I see and feel the collective beginning to open up and trust that there is something more profound. Trust is a big part of the quest for spirituality. You have to establish Trust with the unknown and have unshakeable faith that the path or course you have taken will lead you to find the people, places, and things that help you feel connected, loved, and supported.

I came across this great article cited below and was inspired to discuss the critical points.

Can spirituality help us heal?

The truth is yes, if we allow it!

The key to spirituality and the quest for something greater than ourselves is allowing ourselves to move out of conditioned beliefs, ideologies, and behaviors to pursue that more profound calling. As we open our state of awareness and shed the past's limiting beliefs, we can transcend time and space. There are many types of practices that can help one along their spiritual path to relax the mind, body, and spirit to receive the messages and downloads from God/Source/ Spirit. However, you decide to use the terms.

That is also another significant part of spirituality!


I only suggest one look a the laws of the universe to make yourself familiar with the long-written basis of “Like attracts Like” and “What you put out, you receive,” also known as “Karma.” Like any practice, belief, or religion, there must be balance. While its easy to get consumed in the beauty and power of the unlimitedness of the universe, it’s essential to remain rooted in love. Love is the highest vibration, and as we are beings of energy vibrating, it’s necessary to keep this in mind. So many great past reasons remind us of the universe's power, energy, and ability to abuse that power.

Some most popular Spiritual practices are:

  • Please pay attention to how you feel: Part of embracing spirituality means embracing what it means to be human, both the good and the bad. 

  • Focus on others: Opening your heart, feeling empathy, and helping others are important aspects of spirituality.

  • Meditate: Try spending 10 to 15 minutes each morning engaged in meditation.

  • Practice gratitude: Start a gratitude journal and record your appreciation for each day. This can be a great reminder of what is most important to you and what brings you happiness.

  • Try mindfulness: By becoming more mindful, you can become more aware and appreciative of the present. Mindfulness encourages you to be less judgmental (both of yourself and others) and focus more on the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or future. (Megan Monahan)

I enjoyed how the author broke down these essential practices that help one become more balanced with spiritual practice. Its important to highlight that spirituality can impact more than your quest for purpose but also help you mentally, emotionally, and physically. Much research has been done to document how the spiritual pursuit and those with a dedicated practice and routine of meditation, breathing, or prayer have fewer triggers regarding stress, more positive energy, and fewer unfavorable experiences. As mentioned, how you create your spiritual practices is entirely up to you, but the most crucial part is you start! I always say start small and increase over time and remember, the more consistent you are, the better the outcome!

I can’t guarantee you will get to have a profound moment. But you will have a shift, an experience that challenges you to dive deeper and begin the process.

Metaphysical tools that have helped me along my path include:

  • Crystals minerals

  • Meditation

  • Law of Attraction

  • Reiki

  • Herbalism

  • Divination tools (oracle cards)

In Conclusion when in doubt, get on the internet and search!

Millions of resources and tools to help you develop your spirituality or psychic/healing abilities.

Here are some reference books you may find supportive!

Want to dive deeper?

Thank you for reading, and I hope this helped you gain more understanding of how

References and Citations:

How Spirituality Can Benefit Your Health and Well-Being

By Elizabeth Scott, PhD Updated on April 27, 2023


elise skibik

Holistic and spiritual entrepreneur.


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