Are we living Intentionally?
Some of us are built to create, inspire, and align with our path to impact the world around us.
Some are built to dim, hate, and create imbalances.
My ability to read others on a soul level has brought many blessings and tower moments.
The state of the world, even at this moment, is grim.
Hate, pain, and trauma floodgates are pouring out all across the world.
The empaths of the world can feel the changes even in our bones.
When are we going to see that we can not fight hate with hate?
I have been conditioned to hate, jealousy, and selfishness since childhood. I barely survived being abused and the post-traumatic stress and anxiety that ended up following for years. Lately, the test has been immense, and we are feeling tired. As we become aware of the trickster energies in our lives, we realize we must be more diligent with our choices.
Most have a hard time setting healthy boundaries with toxic environments and people. Something we have all been through. The war I see present is a spiritual war. It’s a matter of doing good or evil. I can see through others’ masks when I see past their manipulations and tactics.
My message for you guys is to recognize that you can’t create the life you need by following your heart, being empathic, and healing. Remember that the burglar will never try to take something from an empty house. If you have become a target for people, please remember that you are worthy and loved. The outpour of love and respect from my TikTok has been inspiring. You matter; people who want to love and support you are right around the corner. I am working towards healing every day, and I want to remind you it is a daily process to heal, cope, and work through trauma.
The truth is your presence matters, and you deserve to be celebrated. Look to the ones who truly see you and stop allowing the “Noise” from the world to distract you from your path.
What do you love to do? And why are you not doing it?
I found an article from PsychCentral and wanted to share some insights I found to be highly supportive of us as a collective.:
Tune out the noise
Identify your values
Set morning intentions
Create small shifts
Create a vision board
Recount your intentions
Give yourself a break
This article broke down the importance of taking the above-suggested intentional things to try and integrate into your life to help bring more focus, clarity, and direction. We have been trying to create a more intentional life and have been strong during the unseen and seen. Remember, you have to be clear about what you truly need. The things we want can follow if we are vulnerable enough to be transparent with our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. We are human and can not take on everything all at once, but we can find a reasonable strategy for our overall peace, happiness, and abundance.
How can I be more intentional with my thoughts or emotions?
If you have been trying to give others a second chance, before you do, please make sure you have evaluated the whole situation. Here are some journal prompts to help you begin the process. I will also include a link to my Etsy shop to gain access to my digital workbooks.
How does it/them feel?
What has it/them taught me?
Do I feel loved and supported?
Some people will never see why it hurts you that they treat you as they do. For those of you who deal with toxic things from family, friends, work, or social media, please know there are support tools available to you.
Please take some time to ground through working through nature. This could be as simple as climbing/hugging a tree or walking barefoot on the grass. Try working with the Root chakra and embodying the energy of stability and strength, and work with your ancestors to build a deeper connection to protection, lineage, and faith.
My favorite App to aid with living more intentionally:
Please join us on TikTok for lives, healing, and inspirational content.
Intentional Living: Tips to Be Intentional in Everything You Do
Medically reviewed by Kendra Kubala, PsyD, Psychology — Written by Margarita Tartakovsky, MS, on December 14, 2021